Maintenance Contracts
- Weekly, Biweekly or Monthly Washing
- Gelcoat Maintenance Programs
- Paint Maintenance Programs
Bottom Painting
- New Bottom Paint Application
- Existing Bottom Paint Application
- Hard and Ablative Paint
- Racing Bottoms
- Dry Sailing Bottoms
Spring Detailing
- Compound, Polishing, and Wax Services
- Bilge Cleaning and Interior Cleaning
- Stainless Polish
Teak Work
- Teak Deck Cleaning
- Varnish, Cetol, and Oil Work
- Minor Carpentry Work
Shrinkwrapping of Sailboats
- Boats in the water
- Tape to the Rubrail/ Wrap to Waterline
- Work Tents for Winter Projects
Power Boat Shrinkwraps
- Boats on lift
- Wrap to Rubrail/Wrap to Waterline
Schedule Worked for Hauling
- Organized Haulouts to Work on land
- Wash and Wax Service
Running Gear
- Zinc Replacement
- Prop Speed Application
- Antifouling Application
Boat Restoration
- Bottom Paint Removal
- Gelcoat Restoration
Ceramic Coating
- Gelcoat Restoration
- Boat Washing
- Ceramic Application
Boat Restoration
- Complete Wetsand, Compound, Polish and Wax
Boat Restoration
- Heavy Compound, Polish, and Wax Process