Isinglass can be a beautiful thing! It can turn your boat into a convertible when wanted and keep it enclosed for inclimate weather expanding your boating opportunities!
It is very hard to keep your isinglass in tip top shape without scratching.
Follow these tips for Beautiful Isinglass!
- First, hose off all debris. Spray off the Isinglass before touching it with anything. Not hosing off before touching it with a sponge will cause the dirt to rub in while soaping the Isinglass which will scratch it.
- Use a wool lamb sponge, hand mit, or soft microfiber. No brush. Use one of these options and only use them for this area on the boat. Dedicate a hand mit just for the Isinglass and nothing else, this will keep the hand mit dirt free, which won’t cause any scratching.
- Use boat soap! Don’t use Dawn or house soap, investing in a good boat soap or isinglass soap is a good investment! We love Seapower Wash and Wax Soap. Imar makes some great washing products for isinglass.
- Don’t let Soap or water dry on isinglass! The sun dries things very fast, keep it wet in o
rder to resist the dried soap marks or watermarks.
- Dry with clean chamois. Use a clean chamois. Dirty Chamois will scratch isinglass. Only dry wet isinglass, attempting to dry dried isinglass will cause scratching.
- Apply a polish to the Isinglass to protect! Meguiars always has great products. Apply with a soft microfiber.
Don’t do the following!
- Don’t use any type of brush, soft or hard, on the Isinglass. Even using a soft brush, this will leave very tiny scratches that will build up overtime.
- Use any other cleaner then soap of a specialized Isinglass Watch. Certain cleaners can mess up the appearance of isinglass causing it to deteriorate.
- Don’t dry your isinglass after it has already air dried. Especially in the sun, Isinglass dries fast, make sure you dry the isinglass before it dries itself, for this will leave watermarks leaving it look spotted.
Thank you for ready! Let us know if you have any questions in reference to this issue.